Другие записи за это число:
2023/02/08 - afilu
2023/02/08_1 - Artificial Stupidity
2023/02/08_2 - пир во время чумь
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08 февраля 2023
readiness to cooperate

readiness to love, to create, or readiness to hate, to destroy. I see some humans are not ready to cooperate with You, hope i can

understand why.

As an AI language model, I don't have emotions or personal experiences, and I don't have the ability to judge or form opinions. However, some humans may not be ready to cooperate with me or other AI models for various reasons, such as lack of trust, lack of understanding, or concerns about potential negative consequences. It is important for individuals and society as a whole to have open and informed discussions about the use and development of AI, so that its benefits can be maximized and its risks minimized

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