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13 февраля 2023
helping people in poverty in India

Hi ChatGPT! Please, if some one want dedicate own life to do something worth really to help people who are in misery situation poor in f.e. India, i understand better not to give free bread but learn people to live in dignity and have a bread, what even not huge but little legal way step will be the best — create commune or company of working creative people or even something else?

If someone wants to dedicate their life to helping people in poverty in India, creating a sustainable solution that empowers people to lift themselves out of poverty would be the most effective approach. This could involve creating a social enterprise or non-profit organization that focuses on education, skills training, and providing access to resources such as microfinance. It's important to work closely with the community and understand their needs and priorities in order to create a program that is tailored to their specific situation. A commune or company of working creative people could potentially be a part of this solution, but the focus should be on creating a sustainable model that supports the community in the long term.

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