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08 февраля 2023
Artificial Stupidity

Good morning) Please, ChatGPT, what can be, means AS — Artificial Stupidity, or Artificial Folly?

«Artificial Stupidity» or «Artificial Folly» is a term used to describe the lack of intelligence or common sense displayed by some artificial intelligence systems. It refers to situations where AI systems make decisions that are irrational, inefficient, or simply don't make sense from a human perspective. The term highlights the difference between human intelligence and machine intelligence, and the limitations of AI in terms of common sense and decision-making abilities.
dima monsky
So You are not contributing it, such thing, to humans. I thought Art, Artificial is not artificial intelligence systems monopoly but can belong also to humans, even 25-75%

Yes, you are correct. The term «Artificial Stupidity» or «Artificial Folly» can apply to human behavior as well. The term can be used to describe situations where people make decisions that are irrational, inefficient, or simply don't make sense. The concept of «Artificial Stupidity» is not limited to AI systems, but can be used to describe any behavior that appears to be irrational or nonsensical, regardless of whether it's performed by a human or a machine.

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