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08 февраля 2023
useful information

thank You) please, can Information be strong, or weak?

Information can be characterized as either «strong» or «weak» based on its reliability and accuracy.

Strong information refers to information that is highly reliable and accurate. It has been thoroughly verified and is considered to be trustworthy.

Weak information, on the other hand, is information that is not well-verified and may be unreliable or inaccurate. It may be based on speculation, rumors, or incomplete data and should be used with caution.

In general, strong information is considered more valuable and useful than weak information, as it can be used to make informed decisions and support arguments.
dima monsky
i paid attention You can say «useful information» but i believe it is the same as «useful usefulness» or «informative information» or «wet water». What is information none may be know, it is just abstraction or metaphor and i invented my own working for me this phenomena description, already informed You in previous conversation

You are correct, the terms «useful information» and «informative information» can be considered redundant, as information by definition is meant to provide information, or convey knowledge. The same applies to expressions like «wet water» or «hot heat,» which describe characteristics that are inherent to the thing being described.

It's up to each individual to choose the language and terms that work best for them in describing different phenomena. What's most important is clear and effective communication, regardless of the specific terms used

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