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2023/06/29 - важке не потрібно, потрібне не важке
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29 июня 2023

))) please how Creative Commons can be adapted translated to Ukrainian or Russian?

The term «Creative Commons» can be translated and adapted to Ukrainian and Russian as follows:

In Ukrainian:

Креативні Комонс (Kreatyvni Komons) or Креативна спільнота (Kreatyvna spilnota)

In Russian:

Креативное Коммонс (Kreativnoye Kommons) or Творческое Общество (Tvorcheskoye Obshchestvo)

These translations aim to convey the concept of «Creative Commons» in both languages. «Креативні Комонс» or «Креативное Коммонс» emphasizes the creative aspect, while «Креативна спільнота» or «Творческое Общество» focuses on the idea of a community or society.

Please note that these translations are provided based on common adaptations and may not be officially recognized translations. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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