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26 января 2023
Wikimapia categories ChatGPT

Good Morning ChatGPT! Please, wikimapia has «categories» (names of groups of objects) for the same kinds of objects useful for search on map when looking f.e. for "3D printed building/structure» — system giving you all marked such objects. Also sometimes useful as a brief description of object additionally to object title, proper description, photos, videos. «Categories» are moderated by categories moderators. Problem is sometimes some category is unnecessarily specific or local, some category is like not much fit because it is like very general for specific object. There is also sometimes beautiful diversity with category translation to different languages, but also sometimes there is not accuracy in such diversity. Please, what You can suggest, how we can keep maintain categories harmony?

One way to maintain harmony in categories on Wikimapia is to establish clear guidelines for how categories should be named and used. For example, you could have guidelines that specify that categories should be as specific as possible while still being inclusive of all relevant objects, and that they should be named in a way that accurately describes the objects they contain.
Another way is to have a dedicated team of moderators responsible for reviewing and approving new categories, and for monitoring existing categories to ensure they are being used correctly.
You could also consider implementing a system for users to suggest new categories or to suggest changes to existing categories, and have a dedicated team review and act on those suggestions.
Another option is to use a multilingual taxonomy, where all categories and subcategories are translated in all languages, this way, it will be easier for users to find the right category, regardless of their language.
Additionally, you could have a system for users to report inaccurately named or misused categories, and have a dedicated team investigate and make changes as necessary.
Overall, it's important to have a clear and consistent system in place for managing categories, and to have dedicated resources devoted to maintaining that system over time

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