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2023/01/24 - бля фуфло в каждом слове
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24 января 2023
Three Cones ChatGPT

Please, i have idea to build in or close to Afula (North Israel) Three Smart Buildings similar by form to Three Giza Pyramids (but must not huge or big). What i can do my best to realize idea, how better introduce, visualize, how better contact architects, construction companies, etc.?

There are a few steps you can take to move forward with your idea to build three smart buildings similar in form to the Giza pyramids in or near Afula, North Israel.

Research: Start by researching the local building codes, zoning regulations, and any other restrictions that may apply to your proposed project. This will help you understand the feasibility of your idea and identify any potential challenges you may face.

Sketch and Conceptualize: Create a detailed sketch or model of your proposed building design. This will help you visualize and explain your idea to others.

Create a Business Plan: This should include an overview of the project, including the costs, budget, and timeline. It will also help you identify potential investors or partners.

Network: Reach out to architects, construction companies, and other professionals in the industry to introduce your idea and seek their advice. Join local industry organizations or attend networking events to meet potential partners or investors.

Use Technology: Utilize 3D modeling software, virtual reality, and other tools to create detailed visualizations of your proposed buildings. This will help potential partners and investors understand your concept better.

Seek Funding: Look for potential investors or partners to fund your project. You can also consider applying for grants or loans from government agencies or private organizations to finance the construction of your buildings.

Overall, it is important to be persistent, creative and have a well-designed and well-presented proposal. Remember that building something like this will require significant investment and a lot of work, so be prepared to put in the time and effort to make it happen.

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