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2023/01/15 - ANT ChatGPT
2023/01/15_2 - запустим блядь этический вопрос
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15 января 2023
I am rarely using commas and full stops, is it true Psychology thinking i have no aim task, any or in general?

The use of punctuation, including commas and full stops, is a tool for structuring written language and making it easier to understand. It helps to break up sentences and paragraphs into meaningful units of thought.

However, it is not a requirement to use commas and full stops in order to have a clear aim or task when writing. Some people may choose to use punctuation sparingly or not at all as a stylistic choice or to convey a certain tone or mood.

It is important to note that the use of punctuation can affect the way a text is understood and received by the reader, so it is a good idea to use punctuation consistently and correctly to ensure that your writing is clear and easy to understand.

It's also worth noting that it may not be a psychological thinking but more of a stylistic choice and it might be hard to generalize it

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