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15 января 2023

Adaptation can be a good way to convey the meaning and themes of a text in a different language. Instead of trying to translate every word and phrase literally, adaptation allows for more flexibility in how the text is presented in the target language. This can be useful for texts like the Dao De Ching, which may not always have a direct or literal equivalent in another language.

Adaptation can also be useful for texts that have multiple layers of meaning or contain cultural references that may not be easily translated. In these cases, adaptation can help to convey the overall meaning and themes of the text in a way that is more relatable to a new audience.

That being said, it's important to note that translation and adaptation are not mutually exclusive. A good translation will often involve some level of adaptation to make the text more accessible and understandable in the target language. In other words, a good translation is a balance between the two.

You're right that the ANT — Adaptation is Not Translation is a good sense for such experiment, it's important to know that a text can be adapted without losing its essence and meaning

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