Другие записи за это число:
2021/11/19_1 - ВОТ МОЙ НИК : "ШАР". Я СОЛЮ ЛОСЯ . РАШКИН. ЙОМ ТОВ!
2021/11/19_2 - как круто! последним айфоном
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19 ноября 2021
Technology Exposes Liars

New Israeli Technology Exposes Liars https://unitedwithisrael.org/gotcha-new-israeli-technology-e[...]
4:10 https://gidonline.eu/2446-zhizn-drugih.html
-You heard something interesting in his answer
-He said the same last time
-He hardly changed a word
-Because what happened doesn't changing depending on how you describe it.
But the likelihood remains that he is lying because he imagined these events a thousand times, but under pressure he will not last long. There are other methods for such tough nuts

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