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11 января 2024
music generation

please, i see very nice (not for artificial artists) development of AI. Please, we have raw not finished not good mastered with bad vocal music, songs, can AI create from such stuff something far more perfect, first of all with beautiful vocal, using may be idea, intention of ingenious but human futile ability?


AI has made significant strides in the field of music generation, and it is indeed possible to use AI algorithms to enhance or transform raw, unfinished, or less polished music. There are various AI models and tools designed for music generation, including those that can improve vocals, create harmonies, or even compose entirely new pieces.

For enhancing vocals, AI can be used to correct pitch, timing, and add various effects to make the vocals sound more polished. There are also AI models that can generate realistic and expressive vocal tracks based on given input.

Additionally, AI can be used for music composition, taking inspiration from existing music or specific genres to create new and original pieces. These models can analyze patterns, styles, and structures present in music and generate compositions that align with the provided input.

It's important to note that while AI can assist in creating more polished and refined music, it may not replace the creative intuition, emotions, and artistic nuances that human musicians bring to the table. Many musicians and producers use AI as a collaborative tool to augment their creativity and explore new possibilities.

If you have specific raw music or ideas that you'd like to enhance, you can explore AI tools in music production and composition. Keep in mind that the quality of the output may vary depending on the complexity of the task and the specific tools used.

o, sorry, i forgotten word «melody», very indigenous, may be rare thing in modern electronic noise (music, sound)


Certainly, preserving or creating a unique and indigenous melody is a valuable aspect of music. While AI has made strides in generating music, including melodies, it's important to note that creating truly indigenous or culturally specific melodies may still heavily rely on human input and understanding.

AI can analyze existing melodies and patterns to generate new ones, and it can be a valuable tool for inspiration. However, the cultural context, emotional depth, and unique characteristics of indigenous melodies often come from a deep understanding of the cultural and historical background, which may be challenging for AI to fully grasp.

If you have a specific cultural or indigenous context in mind, it might be beneficial to work with musicians, composers, or producers who have a deep understanding of that particular cultural music. They can incorporate AI tools as part of the creative process while bringing their expertise to ensure that the final result respects and reflects the indigenous essence you're looking for.

In summary, AI can certainly be used to assist in generating melodies and enhancing music, but for truly indigenous and culturally rich music, human creativity and expertise remain invaluable.

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