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21 ноября 2023
digital or informational objects

hi ChatGPT, please,

is sign, symbol object or not object?

The terms «sign,» «symbol,» and «object» are often used in different contexts, and their meanings can vary. Let me provide a general understanding of these terms:

A sign is something that represents or conveys meaning. It can be a sound, gesture, image, or object that stands for something else.
Signs are used to communicate information and are often a part of language systems. For example, traffic signs use symbols to convey messages about rules and warnings.

A symbol is a sign that represents something beyond its literal meaning. Symbols often carry cultural or societal significance and can evoke emotions or convey abstract ideas.
For example, a red rose can be a symbol of love, and a national flag can be a symbol of a country.

An object is a tangible, physical thing that occupies space and has mass. Objects can be touched and perceived through the senses.
For example, a book, a chair, or a tree are all examples of physical objects.

In summary, a sign can be a broader term that includes symbols and other means of conveying meaning. A symbol is a specific type of sign with additional layers of meaning, often cultural or abstract. An object, on the other hand, is a tangible and physical entity. Signs and symbols can be associated with objects, but

they are not objects themselves


in wikimapia we are marking adding tags outlines polygons on map, thank You, i believe with Your help tags outlines polygons are not (physical) objects, but may be they can be «information» objects, with info mass (bits, bytes) occupating 2d space?

Yes, you're on the right track. In the context of mapping and tagging on platforms like Wikimapia, the tags, outlines, and polygons you add are indeed representations of information rather than physical objects. They can be considered as digital or informational objects.

These digital objects occupy 2D space on the map and are composed of information, often in the form of data, bits, or bytes. The information they convey may include details about a location, such as the name of a place, its purpose, or any other relevant metadata. In this digital mapping context, these objects serve to represent and convey information about real-world locations.

While they don't have a tangible, physical presence, they play a crucial role in organizing and communicating spatial information in a digital environment.

The term «information objects» is a suitable way to describe them,
emphasizing that they are digital entities representing information within the mapped space

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