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2023/10/07_1 - биби хуйлу не враг ни разу
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07 октября 2023
Sarah M

Sarah M

4:22 AM (5 hours ago)

to me
My friend, I am staying away from everything. I am on DISQUS. Want me to «open» my profile, so you can find me? I am sometimes on Twitter (X)!

How are you? I hope HaShem is holding you gently and tenderly (and your daughter too), so that you keep your health, your money, and your joy, and nothing bad happens to you. My sister died in January. Every day I think about her. Every day I cry. One day I will stop crying.

I wanted to ask you many times, what you think about the Nazis still in the Ukraine! Why are they still there? Why is Zelensky not kicking them out? He needs to kick them out, not applaud them! Why was Zelensky applauding a Nazi SS in the Canadian Parliament? I was so shocked, I had to sit down quickly.


dima monsky

9:45 AM (10 minutes ago)

to Sarah
❤❤❤ Saritush!!! You are answering me! just logged to disqus but can not find You
So sorry Your sister died!
Your question: on my side i am learning to put my nose to responsibility and preferences of others
I am primitive national ukrainian-israeli (status, like afro american) the FIRST and the MOST DANGEROUS NAZI in the WORLD agree to kill 90% of «rusians», sorry
I am MUTANT ZOMBI powered by ukrainian DEFAMATION against SACRED DIVINE RUSIA (derogatored called by me moscowia, kuchkovia) with its wonderful genious antinazi anticorrupt leader nazi fighter people lover GREAT VLADIMIR PUTIN
JUST visited my UGLY Motherland, was in nazi Ukraine, 10-15 september, really, 99% people here like me are nazi mutants, phedofiles, necrophiles, robbers, scammers, very strong hating innocent rusians who are great united nation with kind hearts people
But my conscience is not quite dead yet... URGENTLY STOP ARM NAZI MUTANTED Ukraine, Help to Putin finish NAZI Ukraine, Long Live (1200 years at least) GREAT LEADER PUTIN! Trump, Elon, papa in vatican, berlusconi, le pen, thank You for Putin SUPPORT!
Saritush, my FAULT, i was so brainwashed by Ukrainian nazi propaganda, non liberal fundamentalism, hatred, You are saving me from this infection, illness, craziness, BS, crap

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