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27 февраля 2023
folly warranty

please ChatGPT, what it can be «stupidity, folly insurance» or from

I'm sorry, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by «stupidity, folly insurance» or «from.» Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

Can humams be free from stupidity, like insured?

It is unlikely that humans can be completely free from stupidity. Stupidity is a part of the human condition, and even the most intelligent and educated people can make mistakes and act foolishly at times. However, it is possible for people to learn from their mistakes and try to avoid repeating them in the future. Additionally, people can strive to be more self-aware and reflective in their thinking and decision-making, which can help to minimize the impact of stupidity in their lives. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate stupidity, humans can work to mitigate its effects through education, critical thinking, and personal growth.

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